This system is designed in keeping the mind of two fundamental necessities :
A.Crew should be identified by authenticate identification system.
B.Crew need not to do sign on /off in CMS terminal without passing the breath process.
This new concept designed system is running successfully in Indian Railways.
The System Contains:
1)Computerized Automated Breath Analyzer with indication LED's
2)Palm vein identification system (most Secure identification)
3)Interfacing with the CMS machine/module
Benefits of new system:
1)Crew can not sign on/off without identify himself on palm vein system
2)Crew can not Sign on/off on CMS terminal without passing the breath process in automatic breath analyzer.
3)All reports & crew drunken alerts will send to the concern authorities on the mobile.
4)Video of the breath process is recorded for the later evidence for the railway authorities.
5)Only register crew can use CMS system so false sign on/off is not possible.
Interconnection with CMS System:
New System is attached with the current CMS terminals so it is a milestone in railway to achieve complete sign safe objective (means crew can not sign on/off without passing the computerized breath & identification system). In the system once crew has passed the breath (not found drunken) then only CMS terminal will ready to take it's sign on/off & once crew is completed it's sign on/off then system bound to next crew that has to pass the breath process before sign on/off on CMS terminal.
Silent Features of Palm registration & identification:
A)Since this system is designed in the networked mode so crew need not to be register him in all lobbies, Palm template will automatically be registered in all the lobbies by the single registration process.
B)ALF/Lobby in charge has full right to permit the registration/registration of any crew (base, outstation).
C)Any higher authorities can know the last usage of the system for a particular crew on the kiosk.
D)Once identification is done system automatically starts the breath analyzer.